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Blogs & News

Keep up to date with the latest news from the Girls’ Learning Trust.

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Showing items for tag COO Blog

  • COO Blog // The Importance of Empathy in Business Support Services

    Published 22/05/23
    In the complex ecosystem of UK schools, business support services such as finance, IT, HR and estates, are critical to help ensure the smooth operation, efficient resource management, and overall organisational success of what we’re all here to
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  • COO Blog // Bridging the Support Staff Gap in Education

    Published 27/03/23
    When we think about education, we often focus on teachers and professors as the primary drivers of learning. However, there is a vast support network that plays a critical role in enabling the education system to function effectively. This includes s
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  • Chief Operating Officer Blog

    Published 03/03/23

    Over the past few months, we’ve been publishing a range of blogs here on the Girls’ Learning Trust website written by teachers and school leaders on key educational challenges – and steps we’ve taken to overcome them.

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