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Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to be champions of excellence in girls’ education, empowering young women to realise their full potential and shape the world.

Our Mission

We are committed to offering an outstanding education that promotes wellbeing and personal development for everyone in our schools, enriched by the opportunities that arise from being part of a girls’ education trust.

We believe education should be about:

  • Encouraging risk-taking and developing reflective approaches to teaching and learning
  • Championing equality and inclusion and challenging social and economic disadvantage
  • Building supportive and collaborative networks whilst allowing schools the autonomy to develop in ways that are best for their students
  • Offering broad and rich experiences that go well beyond the academic and lead to satisfying and rewarding career paths
  • Fostering a sense of pride in diversity.

Our Development and Growth

Since 2015 we have been through two discrete phases of development as a Trust. As we emerge from the impact of the pandemic we are now moving into a third period of development – which creates an exciting environment for new staff joining us.

Phase: Development (2015 – 2018)

  • Academies join the Trust
  • Emergence of central services in Finance, IT, HR and Premises
  • Development of cross-Trust initiatives

Phase: Consolidation and Building Capacity (2019 – 2022)

  • New CEO recruited
  • Consolidation of central services and of collaboration across schools
  • Rise in student population 
  • Post-Covid 19 recovery 

Phase: Growth and Performance (2023 – 2026)

  • New COO recruited
  • Explore opportunities for external partnerships
  • Increase income generation
  • Strategic approach to succession planning

Our Strategic Priorities

As a Trust, we have agreed the following shared priorities for all our schools and central services over the next four years:

  1. Promoting wellbeing and personal development for all
  2. Excellent staff development for high-quality teaching and learning
  3. High-quality careers education and advice
  4. Extensive enriched curriculum opportunities
  5. Welcoming, and robustly supporting, disadvantaged students
  6. Strength in equality, diversity and inclusion
  7. Sustainability, efficiency and value for money
  8. Effective governance
  9. Championing collaboration across and outside our Trust
  10. Recruiting and retaining the very best staff
  11. Innovative and effective IT support and infrastructure
  12. Well-maintained and managed facilities that support the aims of the schools and the Trust